Globalisation in Africa: Examining if Economic Integration and Privatisation of Most Public Enterprises in West Africa Instigates Migration Crisis in the ECOWAS Sub-region

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Arinze Victor Nwawube
Chikwado Collins Ezugworie
Leonard Ifeanyi Jr. Ugwu
Ndubuisi Ebuka Onwunyiri


This study broadly examined if globalisation instigated migration crisis in the West African sub-region. Specifically, the study investigated the role of economic integration in the rise of migration and the positive link between privatisation and increased movement in West Africa. The Growth Pole theory was adopted to explain the interconnection between globalisation and migration. The study employed the documentary method of data collection and the qualitative descriptive method of data analysis otherwise known as content analysis. The study found that the paucity of implementation of economic integration schemes adopted in the
West African sub-region has led to the rising trend of various forms of migration, ranging from irregular migration, forced migration, labour migration etc. It also found that privatisation measures in West Africa have been implicated in the increased movement of people across the sub-region, especially intra-regional movement, from rural to the urban area. Consequently, the study recommended that since rising trend of various forms of migration within the West African sub-region is traceable to the paucity in the enforcement of the economic integration schemes adopted in the sub-region, the Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS), among others, therefore, should strengthen enforcement structures, collaborate with member states, and establish an ECOWAS Cross-border Cooperation Fund.


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How to Cite
Nwawube, A. V., Ezugworie, C. C., Ugwu, L. I. J., & Onwunyiri, N. E. (2024). Globalisation in Africa: Examining if Economic Integration and Privatisation of Most Public Enterprises in West Africa Instigates Migration Crisis in the ECOWAS Sub-region. Journal of Contemporary International Relations and Diplomacy, 5(2), 1–23.
Author Biographies

Arinze Victor Nwawube, Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Nwawube, Arinze Victor is a lecturer with the Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. His research interests include globalisation, migration studies, international security studies, among others. He has published in reputable journals.

Chikwado Collins Ezugworie, Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Ezugworie, Chikwado Collins is a lecturer with the Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. His research interests include international security studies, political economy, election studies. He has published in reputable journals.

Leonard Ifeanyi Jr. Ugwu, Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Ugwu, Leonard Ifeanyi Jr is a lecturer with the Department of Political Science and also a research assistant with the Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He has a good number of publications to his credit.

Ndubuisi Ebuka Onwunyiri, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria

Onwunyiri, Ndubuisi Ebuka is a PhD candidate with Benue State University, Makurdi. He has a good number of publications to his credit.