Nigeria’s Foreign Policy and the Major Geographical Drivers

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Segun Oshewolo
Roseline Oshewolo
Samuel E. Boyi
Olayiwola V. Ojo


The thinking in the literature is that states develop different foreign policy interests and priorities depending on their geographical endowments. That is, the foreign policy of a state is sensitive to its geography. This article examines the defining role that geographical descriptors have played in the conduct of Nigeria’s foreign policy. Relying on data generated from major ranking bodies/platforms and other secondary sources, this paper contends that geographical factors have always shaped Nigeria’s foreign policy towards the coterminous or contiguous countries, Gulf of Guinea, ECOWAS region, and African continent. While Nigeria has leveraged its size, location, natural and human endowments to launch itself into global relevance, there are major constraints. These include the ineffective governance of Nigeria’s land and borders and occasional border disputes with the adjoining states, poor demographics in terms of nutrition, health, education and work, and the mismanagement of the proceeds from the country’s natural resource endowments. These problems must be addressed if Nigeria is to harness the full benefits of its geography.

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How to Cite
Oshewolo, Segun, Roseline Oshewolo, Samuel E. Boyi, and Olayiwola V. Ojo. 2024. “Nigeria’s Foreign Policy and the Major Geographical Drivers”. ABUAD Journal of Social and Management Sciences 5 (2):221-41.


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