Submission Guidelines

1. Manuscripts submitted to AJSMS are original, have not been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, and are approved by co-authors, relevant authorities and boards. Copyright permission should also be obtained where necessary. We will assume that manuscripts submitted without such evidence are the original ideas of the authors. The ABUAD College of Social and Management Sciences (publisher of AJSMS) shall not be held legally liable should there be claims originating from the manuscripts received.
2. All manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind reviewing process. Manuscripts and associated data must therefore be anonymised.
3. A separate title page must be submitted that contains the title of manuscript, author’s name, contact information, short biographical note, and acknowledgement.
4. Manuscripts are between 5000 and 8000 words in MS Word format and must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words. Five keywords should also be included.
5. Manuscripts should be prepared using Times New Roman typeface, 12 font size, and British mode of spelling.
6. Our parameters for evaluating manuscripts include readability and style of writing, use of literature and theory, appropriateness of methods, significance of data, and contribution to knowledge.
7. Citations and references must follow the APA referencing style (See APA Style).

8. DOIs for the references MUST be provided, whenever available using the format- https://doi/org/... For example: To check for DOIs, authors can use the Free DOI Lookup on the Crossref website.

Publication Charges

Assessment fee – NGN10,000 or $10 (this amount must be paid at the point of submission and the proof of payment sent to

Publication fee – NGN25,000 or $100 (you will be required to make this payment if your paper is accepted for publication).

All payments shall be made to:
Account Name: ABUAD PG SMS
Account Number: 0123057460
Bank Name: Wema Bank
How to Submit
Manuscripts can be submitted through, preferably, the online platform here or sent directly as email attachments to