The ABUAD Journal of Social and Management Sciences (AJSMS) is a biannual publication of the College of Social and Management Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.
AJSMS is a refereed journal that publishes scholarly works in all fields of social and management sciences. This journal considers original articles from around the world that are theoretically and methodologically sound. Articles must reflect the dominant approaches across the diverse fields of social sciences and management – politics and international relations, sociology and cultural studies, defence and security studies, economics and development studies, business administration and accounting, geography and environmental management, media and creative studies.

The Journal also publishes commentaries that are critical. They must dissect current burning issues in society and suggest stimulating policy ideas in areas that are relevant to the scope of AJSMS. Commentaries are assessed for suitability by the editor and they are between 1500 and 2000 words.

Copyright, Licence and Open Access Policy

Every published article except otherwise stated bears Creative Commons licence and is open and immediately accessible to readers for download, share and reuse with due attribution to the authors who own the copyright of such published works. The journal accepts a moderate article processing charge (APC) to recoup the cost of editorial, web hosting and other services rendered to enrich and sustain the journal. See further information in Publication Charges below or Go to the Make a Submission tab for more details on the APC.

Publication Charges

Assessment fee – NGN5,000 or $10 (this amount must be paid at the point of submission and the proof of payment sent to

Publication fee – NGN20,000 or $100 (you will be required to make this payment if your paper is accepted for publication).

All payments shall be made to:

Account Name:         ABUAD PG SMS

Account Number:      0123057460

Bank Name:              Wema Bank

Indexing and Preservation

AJSMS is PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) compliant. Importantly, all accepted and published articles carry unique digital object identifier (DOI) and are indexed in many reputable scholarly databases, libraries and archiving infrastructures that use the PKP PN, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS system for wider distribution, persistent visibility and global access.

Scope and Submission

The journal publishes original research from all fields of social and managment sciences. Guidelines for manuscripts preparation and submission are available here.  While readers are encouraged to register with AJSMS, it is mandatory for all authors to register in order to submit manuscripts and monitor the progress of their submissions through their personalised dashboards.

Journal policy on plagiarism

The editors of this journal enforce a rigorous peer-review process together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure and to add high-quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Manuscripts are subjected to originality check using the Turnitin software. Therefore, any manuscript with similarity index higher than 20% will not be sent out for review and will be declined for publication.


All the names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.