Manuscript Preparation


  1. The official language of writing in AJERD is English Language. However, there MUST be consistency throughout any manuscript as to the style of English (either US or UK).
  2. Manuscripts must be research articles that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  3. Where significant portions of a manuscript have appeared in thesis or dissertation, peer-reviewed workshop/conference proceedings, at least 30% of the manuscript submitted must contain new contents over previous publication. The latter MUST be cited in the submitted manuscript.
  4. Author(s) is/are required to confirm in authentically signed written document that (i) the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and that (ii) there is no conflict of interest of any sort on the manuscript and its content.


Manuscript must be written in Microsoft Word.

Page layout

The manuscript must use a page size corresponding to A4 which is 210mm (8.27″) wide and 297mm (11.69″) long.  The margins must be set as follows:

  • Top = Bottom = 1″
  • Left = Right = 0.7″

Page Style

All paragraphs must be indented, and the entire document must be justified.

Title and Author(s) Details

Title must be in 15 point Regular Times New Romans font.  Author name must be in 11 point Regular Times New Roman font.  Author affiliation must be in 10 point Italic Times New Romans font.  Email address must be in 9-point Courier Regular font.

Every word in a title must begin with capital letter except for short minor words such as “a”, “an”, “and”, “as”, “at”, “by”, “for”, “from”, “if”, “in”, “into”, “on”, “or”, “of”, “the”, “to”, “with”.

Author details must not show any professional title (e.g. Managing Director), any academic title (e.g. Dr.) or any membership of any professional organization (e.g. MNSE).

To avoid confusion, all names must be written in full, and the family name (surname) must be written in capital letters as the last name.

Each affiliation must include, at the very least, the name of the University, Research Institute and or Company and the name of the country where the author is based (e.g., Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria).

Email addresses of all authors must be indicated and the Corresponding Author’s should be specified with an asterisk.

Journal Paper Structure 


Abstract should be in Times New Roman 10-point font and contain a maximum of 300 words containing short descriptions of the problem on hand, purpose(s) of paper, material(s) and or method(s) used, result(s) obtained, analyses and/or deduction(s) made, conclusion(s) reached and contribution(s) to knowledge and/or practice.

 Index Terms

At least, five (5) keywords separated by commas should be provided as index terms.

Body of Article

The entire main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman 10-point font.  Other font types may be used if needed for special purposes.

Sectional Headings

No more than 3 levels of headings should be used.  All headings must be in 10 point Times New Roman font and formatted as follows:

Level-1 Heading:  All capital letters

Level-2 Heading:  Initial capital letters

Level-3 Heading: Only first letter capital

Figures and Tables

Figures and tables must be centred on the page. Graphics may be full colour, and must not use stipple fill patterns because they may not be reproduced properly.  Please use only SOLID FILL colours which contrast well both on screen and on a black-and-white hardcopy.

Figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals.  Figure captions must be in 10-point Regular Times New Roman font in sentence case.  Captions with figure numbers must be placed after their associated figures.

Tables must be numbered using lowercase Roman numerals.  Table captions must be centred and in 10-point Regular Times New Roman font in sentence case.  Captions with table numbers must be placed before their associated tables.

 Human Subjects/ Ethical Approval

For studies involving human or living subjects, institutional ethical approval and informed consent from human subjects must be obtained and copies included in the submission.


The heading of the Acknowledgment Section must not be numbered.

 References and Referencing

The heading of the References Section must not be numbered.  All reference items must be in 10-point Times New Roman font.  APA referencing style should be used throughout.

Manuscript Submission

A manuscript can be submitted in MSWord format via the submission page ( or as an attachment to the Journal email ( anytime.

Similarity index of submitted article must not exceed 20% (Note: All submitted article will be subjected to similarity check using Turnitin plagiarism checker)

Manuscript Review

Manuscripts submitted to AJERD for consideration for publication shall undergo peer review.

Submission and Processing Charges

Submission and processing of manuscript are now done free of charge with effect from 12th January, 2025. All manuscripts submitted shall be subject to a flat article processing charge payable upon acceptance;

  1. Local authors: ₦40,000.00      (forty thousand Naira)
  2. International: $100.00           (one hundred USD)

The article processing charge is for online publication only. Hard copies of the journal will be made available upon author's request. Such requests will therefore attract printing and postage service charges that will be communicated to the author via email.

Upon acceptance, authors are to make their payments to AJERD bank account with details below:

Bank Name: WEMA

Account Number: 0122769207

Account Name: ABUAD Journal of Engineering Research and Development (AJERD)

Please, visit for payment instructions.

For further enquiries, kindly contact AJERD via