Design and Construction of an Aquaponics System: A Sustainable Approach to Enhancing Local Food Security in Offa, Nigeria
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The design of an aquaponics system is a major drive in achieving a sustainable agricultural practice, tackling environmental problems, and food security. Aquaponics provides a conservative technique that integrates both hydroponics and aquaculture in regions with minimal arable land. This current study aims to design and build an aquaponics system that is suitable and beneficial to its environment. The objectives of building the aquaponics system are to cultivate fish and plants in a closed system that can reduce the requirement for chemical-based nutrients and increase water-use efficiency. Preliminary assessment, design, and preparations of drawings were applied to obtain a suitable plan for the aquaponics system. Civil, construction, plumbing, welding, and planting works were conducted to physically implement the aquaponics system. A farm base of 8 m X 4 m (hydroponics) was built alongside a concrete tank base of (3 m x 2 m x 0.6 m) to hold the fish tank of 2000 L (aquaculture). A canopy material was then laid to hold water in the hydroponics section. Twelve pieces of polystyrene (2.1 m X 1.2 m) were laid to float inside the hydroponics system with each one carrying 9 lightweight disposable cups to serve as planting mediums. Rice husk and palm kernel shells were filled into the cups to grow the plants (cucumber and pepper). Plant and growing medium weights were considered in determining the number of growing mediums(cups) in the hydroponics system. Other works done included plumbing for water, welding for the aquaponics structure, and installation of a cover. This current study incorporates organic waste materials as systematically grown mediums to create additional nutrients, increase grow mediums for optimized plant production, and reduce cost. The result of the study showed a shorter growth cycle for the plants (pepper and cucumber) between germination and flowering indicating a higher infusion of nutrients created by the hydroponics system. The result of the study can be applied as a guide to designing and building an effective aquaponics system and a tool for developing systems that can reduce food insecurity and farming techniques.
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