Empirical Mode Decomposition Based Amplify and Forward Technique for Cooperative Cognitive Radio System

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Opeyemi Paul Oyelaran
Zachaeus Kayode Adeyemo
Samson Iyanda Ojo
Isaac Adewale Ojedokun


The rapid growth in the mobile industry due to increase in number of users accessing diverse services causes a high demand for radio spectrum. Nonetheless, the radio spectrum allocated for different wireless communication services is restricted. Cooperative Cognitive Radio (CCR) technique with Amplify and Forward (AF) relaying protocol used to address the problem suffers from noise amplification resulting in poor reception at the destination. Hence, in this paper, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) based AF technique for CCR system was carried out to improve the performance of the existing CCR with AF relaying protocol. The transmitted signal from Primary User (PU) was received at the Secondary User (SU) where SU superimposed its own signal using Exclusive OR (XOR) rule. The combined signal from XOR was made to pass through EMD and amplified using AF by multiplying with the relay gain. The amplified signal was radiated to PU and SU receivers during the second hop transmission. The multiple copies of the receive signal at the SU receiver at different number of path (L = 2, 4) were combined at destination using Maximal Ratio Combiner (MRC). Mathematical expression for Bit Error Rate (BER) and Throughput (TP) were derived using the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Nakagami-m fading distribution. Extensive simulations using MATLAB R2021a were employed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed technique and evaluated using BER and TP by comparing with the existing AF CCR. The EMD based AF technique proposed gave better performance with 75.2% reduction in BER and 21.86% increase in TP over the existing AF technique for CCR. The proposed technique can be deployed to improve the performance of cooperative cognitive radio system.

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How to Cite
O. P. Oyelaran, Z. K. Adeyemo, S. I. Ojo, and I. A. Ojedokun, “Empirical Mode Decomposition Based Amplify and Forward Technique for Cooperative Cognitive Radio System ”, AJERD, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 455–466, Oct. 2024.


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