Whale Optimization Technique Based Economic Load Dispatch

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Modu Abba-Gana
Zainab Musa Gwoma
Isa Muhammad Sani


This study concentrates on optimizing the Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) for three major Nigerian power systems: Sapele, Jebba, and Egbin. These systems, each comprising varying numbers of generating units and facing fluctuating load demands ranging from 300 MW to 1000 MW, necessitate efficient resource allocation to minimize operational expenses. Employing the innovative Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), inspired by the cooperative behaviour of humpback whales, this research tackles the intricate non-linear characteristics of the ELD problem. The primary goal is to determine the ideal power generation timetable that reduces total generation costs while fulfilling power demand constraints. Through mathematical modelling, the power systems and their economic aspects are represented. The proposed WOA-based approach is implemented and juxtaposed against optimization methods to gauge its efficacy in achieving cost-effective load dispatch. In addition to the fast convergence characteristics of the optimization technique, the study reveals minimum optimal generation costs of 150,567 Naira/Hr, 189,352 Naira/Hr, and 244,075 Naira/Hr for the Sapele, Jebba, and Egbin power systems, respectively, under various load conditions. Conversely, maximum optimal generation costs reach 480,431 Naira/Hr, 590,871 Naira/Hr, and 750,453 Naira/Hr for the same systems, demonstrating the algorithm's adaptability to diverse load scenarios.

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How to Cite
M. Abba-Gana, Z. M. Gwoma, and I. M. Sani, “Whale Optimization Technique Based Economic Load Dispatch”, AJERD, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 207–215, Aug. 2024.


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