Assessment by the Editorial Board:

Once a manuscript is submitted, the Editorial Secretary will acknowledge its receipt and ensure it adheres to AJEAS guidelines. The manuscript will undergo a similarity check using Turnitin's plagiarism checker to confirm that its similarity index does not exceed 20%. Following this, the manuscript is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief, who will review it and assign it to an appropriate Editor based on the manuscript's discipline. This Editor will then process the manuscript further by assigning it to at least two external reviewers. Manuscripts that do not meet AJEAS standards may be rejected at this stage.

Blind Peer Review:

The assigned reviewers will evaluate the manuscript, with at least two experts providing their assessments. A single negative review can lead the Editor to make a decision based on the reviewers' reports. To ensure an unbiased review, the identities of both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous, facilitating a double-blind review process. After the review, the Editor will consider the reviewers' opinions and make a recommendation to the Editorial Board, which will make the final decision. The manuscript can be accepted, rejected, or returned to the authors for revisions.

Submission of Revised Manuscripts:

Authors must submit a revised manuscript along with a response to the reviewers' comments. The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers to verify that the revisions have been adequately addressed. Depending on the reviewers' feedback, the manuscript may be accepted or require further review.

Decision on Manuscript:

A manuscript may be rejected by the Editor for several reasons: if it is outside the scope of AJEAS, does not meet AJEAS’s standards for relevance and novelty, has a similarity index exceeding 20%, or if the integrity of the presented results is questionable. Additionally, manuscripts lacking in novelty or originality can still be rejected after the review process. Manuscripts outside AJEAS's scope will be returned to the authors with advice to submit them to a more suitable publication outlet. If a substantial number of potential reviewers decline to review the manuscript, indicating a misalignment with AJEAS's aim and audience, the manuscript may also be rejected.