Quality Teaching in Ekiti State Secondary Schools: An Application of Ordinal Logistic Regression
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This study investigates the quality of teaching in secondary schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria, using ordinal logistic regression to examine the impact of teacher demographics and teaching practices on student performance. The research focuses on teachers from six selected secondary schools within Ado-Ekiti, comprising a sample of 295 educators. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire administered via Google Forms and shared on WhatsApp platforms of the respondents. The study analyzes factors such as age, gender, educational background, teaching experience, lesson planning, technology integration, teaching methods, assessment practices, feedback provision, and professional development. Descriptive statistics and ordinal logistic regression were employed to assess the significance of these variables on student performance outcomes. Results indicate that older teachers and female educators positively influence student performance, while frequent integration of technology and rigid lesson planning negatively impact outcomes. The study also finds that regular feedback and active student participation significantly enhance performance. However, attending professional development workshops and the availability of teaching resources showed unexpected negative associations with student performance, suggesting potential issues with the applicability or effectiveness of these resources and training. The study highlights the importance of adaptive teaching methods, supportive administrative practices, and active student engagement in improving educational quality. These findings provide valuable insights for policy makers and educators aiming to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning in secondary schools in Ekiti State.
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