The Potential Risk Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.

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Kehinde Adigun
Munini Adarabioyo
Abiodun ADIGUN
Samuel Adejuwon


Academic attainment is a key factor that is required of would-be employees in any establishment. This study aimed at determining the effect of family factors, personal factors, peer-pressure factors and other factors on students’ academic performance. Data on basic factors that affect students’ performances were obtained with the use of structured questionnaire, 100 questionnaires were distributed to students in the study area, out of which 42 of the students were male and 58 were female, the questionnaire consists of two sections, section A of the questionnaire sourced information on the socio-demographic profile of the respondents while section B was based on questions on a 5-point Likert scale that were categorized into four groups. Each of the categories consisted of five questions. The collected data were analyzed using multiple regression (matrix notation) approach. The results indicated that peer-pressure, family factors and personal factors had effect on students’ academic performance in higher institutions while some other factors such as extra-curricular activities, parental income and socio-economic status also had effects on the students’ performance in higher institutions. The study concluded that apart from solid and sound secondary school background, which impact positively on students’ academic performance, family background, social economic status and school environment play a crucial role in students’ academic performance.


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Adigun, K., Adarabioyo, M., ADIGUN, A., & Adejuwon, S. (2025). The Potential Risk Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(2), 96–102.


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