Remote Detection of Leakages from a Compromised Buried Water Supply Pipe through Geophysical Measurements

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Akinola Eluwole
Odunayo Emmanuel Bamidele
Akindeji Opeyemi Fajana
Oludeji Akinbobose
Leke Sunday Adebiyi
Naheem Banji Salawu
Temitope Emmanuel Olasupo
Adebayo Oluwaseun Adeyeye


The continuous drastic loss of stored water at a private household presumed to be caused by leakage(s) was subjected to geophysical investigations with a view to delineating the source(s) of the leakage(s). The Spontaneous Potential (SP) and Electrical Resistivity (ER) methods were deployed for the study. Measurements were taken along four (4) traverses at two intervals – firstly when the water supply valve from the overhead storage tank was closed and secondly when it was opened. The Total Field array was adopted for SP measurements with constant station separation of 0.5 m. ER measurements were taken via the Wenner array with electrode spacing (a) varied with an interval of 0.5 m from 0.5 m to 1.5 m. SP data were presented as profiles and maps while ER data were presented as 3-D resistivity depth stacks. SP values varied from -100 mV to 350 mV during the two measurement periods. ER values also varied from 100 ohm.m to 1200 ohm.m during the closed valve period and 100 ohm.m to 900 ohm.m during the opened valve period. During the closed valve period, pipeline routes were interpreted as manifesting oval-shaped high potential anomalies with central linear trend on the SP map; and as linearly-trending high resistivity intrusion within low resistivities on resistivity maps. The disparities between the results of closed valve and opened valve measurements were pointers to leakage-induced inhomogeneity in the subsurface. The diminished high potential SP anomaly and the anomalously low resistivity specks within linearly-trending high resistivity values were regarded as the source of leakage.

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How to Cite
Eluwole, A., Bamidele, O. E. ., Fajana, A. O. ., Akinbobose, O. ., Adebiyi, L. S. ., Salawu, N. B. ., Olasupo, T. E. ., & Adeyeye, A. O. . (2024). Remote Detection of Leakages from a Compromised Buried Water Supply Pipe through Geophysical Measurements. ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 27–32.


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