Effects of Moringa oleifera Tea Supplement on the Biochemical Indices of Diabetes and Hypertension Co-Morbidity Patients

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Quadri Nurudeen
Muinat Olayinka Lambe
Aliyu Ibrahim Adedo
Abdulazeez Olamilekan Elemosho


Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and Hypertension are the most common co-morbidities which has received attention worldwide. This research investigates the effect of Moringa oleifera tea supplements (MOTs) on the biochemical parameters of diabetic and hypertensive co-morbidity patients. Twenty-five participants of both genders were randomly distributed into five groups containing five patients each; group 1 (positive control), group 2 (negative control), group 3 (positive control+MOT), group 4 (standard drug) and group 5 (standard drug+MOT). All treatments were carried out for 14 days after which blood samples were collected for biochemical analyses. The lipid biochemical profile, liver function parameters and renal function parameters of the patients were analysed using standard procedures. The study revealed that the consumption of MOTs significantly (p<0.01) increased
the serum high-density lipoproteins and reduced low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides, and cholesterol concentrations of the patients that were given MOT supplements in comparison to the control patients. Conversely, there was significant (p<0.01) reduction in the activities of serum alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, and the concentration of albumin, total protein, direct bilirubin and total bilirubin in comparison to the negative control group. Hence, this study outcome revealed that supplementing the diet of diabetes and hypertensive patients’ diet with MOTs is beneficial to the health of the patients and is equally safe for consumption.


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Nurudeen, Q., Lambe , M. . O., Adedo, A. I., & Elemosho, A. O. (2023). Effects of Moringa oleifera Tea Supplement on the Biochemical Indices of Diabetes and Hypertension Co-Morbidity Patients. ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 3(2), 56–61. https://doi.org/10.53982/aijnas.2023.0302.08-j


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