Sero-epidemiology of Marburg virus amongst respondents in Sobi Area, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

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Olatunji Matthew Kolawole
Akinola Alex Ogunleye
Muhammed Mustapha Suleiman


Marburg virus disease is a hemorrhagic fever of public health importance. There is sparse information on its prevalence in Nigeria. This study was aimed at determining the serological epidemiology and molecular confirmation of MV amongst inhabitants of Sobi in Ilorin, Nigeria in order to forestall a potential outbreak of MVD. Serological evaluation of collected blood samples from consenting participants was carried out using MELSIN ELISA kit for antibody detection. Structured questionnaire was used to collect risk factor data. This study revealed the serological presence of Marburg virus IgG (26.5%) and IgM (19.0%) in this locality(P<0.05). MV IgG and IgM prevalence by evaluated risk factors were 12 (23.5%) and 6 (16.7%), 11 (21.6%) and 9 (25.0%), and 27 (50.9%) and 13 (34.2%) for presence of bats in vicinity, respondent’s visitation to park/zoo and presence of trees in residential area respectively at varying statistical correlations. Consumption of sick animals, contact with dead animals and involvement in preparation of dead body for burial showed an IgG/IgM positivity of 4 (7.7%)/2 (5.4%), 3 (5.8%)/4 (10.8%) and 11 (21.2%)/4 (10.8%) respectively. Higher frequency of contact or closer proximity to known risk factors showed higher prevalence and bats within vicinity revealed to be more amongst respondent with tree in residential area than those closer to Sobi hill. Reduction of bat to human contact and hygienic practices in occupation/research involving animals should be encouraged.

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How to Cite
Kolawole, O. M., Ogunleye, A. A., & Suleiman, M. M. (2022). Sero-epidemiology of Marburg virus amongst respondents in Sobi Area, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2(2), 83–91.


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