The editor welcomes manuscripts for publication in Àgídìgbo: ABUAD Journal of theHumanities. Manuscripts submitted for publication will be considered for acceptance onthe understanding that they have neither been published nor are currently being consideredfor publication elsewhere. The copyright of the papers accepted belongs to the General Studies Unit, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Contributors are expected to adhere to Àgídìgbo: ABUAD Journal of the Humanities' style of referencing in preparingtheir manuscript.

Deadline for submission

    1. Vol 12 No 1: May 30th, 2024
    2. Vol 12 No 2: September 30th, 2024

Article publication

      1. Vol 12 No 1: July 30th, 2024
      2. Vol 12 No 2: December 30th, 2024

Payment Instructions
Publication Charges

      • Online publication Only- NGN20,000
      • Online publication and one hard copy- NGN25,000

Bank Details:

      • Bank: Fidelity Bank Plc.
      • Account Name: Àgídìgbo: ABUAD Journal of the Humanities
      • Account No:
