Community Governance and Socio-Economic Development Realities in Nigeria

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Kazeem Oyedele Lamidi
John Monday Etebom


This paper explores the nexus between community governance and the realities of socio-economic development at the local level. This work relies on secondary data. The paper reveals that institutional frameworks at community level have potentialities in the realisation of socio-economic development in Nigeria. The paper recommends that extensive national value re-orientation and spirit of communalism are the needed mechanisms that would inspire patriotic citizenship/leadership and active civil society which is able to drive the process of utilising both local human and natural
resources for the actualisation of socio-economic development in Nigeria.


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How to Cite
Lamidi, K. O., & Etebom, J. M. (2022). Community Governance and Socio-Economic Development Realities in Nigeria. African Journal of Stability and Development (AJSD), 14(1&2), 169–181.


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