Heavy metal intrusion and geospatial analysis of groundwater resources in Isoko North Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria.
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This study examined the spatial variation in the intrusion of heavy metals in underground water resources of Isoko North Local Government Area, Delta State, where it conducted a comparative study from ten (10) spatially distributed boreholes, for possible intrusion of the pathogen. The data that was produced were subjected to Heavy Metal Index (HMI) technique to analyse the significant contamination rate in the samples extracted from the study area (using the World Health Organisation Standard and the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality as the Control Variable). The result of the analysis showed that the undergroundwater there has slightly higher concentrations of Iron and lead than any other parameters. Lead (Ppm) has a range of values of 0.11 to 0.18, with areas like Owhelogho (0.18), Iyede (0.18) and Ellu (0.17) having higher values than others. The range of value for Iron (Ppm) is 0.31 to 0.43, with all the areas having significant values slightly higher than the WHO and NSDWQ standard of 0.3. The study identified places where heavy metals intrusion is prevalent, also a substantial association between pollutant from host rocks and groundwater supplies. The heavy metal index evaluation revealed a class "II" grade, indicating the presence of lead and iron oxide in modest quantities, although its presence is a cause for concern for the well-being of borehole water consumers.The statistics are quite close to the next class on the indexing chart, which is "slightly affected". Any small infiltration raises the stakes to the next level.
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