Maximizing Biotic Food as Nutraceuticals: A Comprehensive Exploration

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Olatomiwa Ariyo
Tolulope Akinyemi


The quest for optimal health and nutrition has led to a paradigm shift in our approach to food, with an increasing emphasis on harnessing the potential of biotic components as nutraceuticals. This study investigates the concept of maximizing biotic food as nutraceuticals, exploring the intersection of nutrition, medicine, and sustainable agriculture, and to unravel the diverse array of health-promoting compounds inherent in natural, living organisms. . Biotic foods, including fruits, vegetables, and fermented products, possess a rich tapestry of bioactive components, ranging from phytochemicals and antioxidants to probiotics and enzymes. Biotic foods encompass a spectrum of living organisms such as probiotics, prebiotics, and beneficial microorganisms that confer health benefits beyond basic nutrition. By unlocking the intricate interplay between the human microbiome and biotic foods, this study seeks to unravel the therapeutic potential inherent in these living entities. As scientific understanding advances, there is a growing recognition of the significance of biotic foods as potent sources of nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals, a portmanteau of “nutrition” and “pharmaceuticals,” refer to bioactive compounds in food that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition.

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How to Cite
Ariyo, O., & Akinyemi, T. . (2024). Maximizing Biotic Food as Nutraceuticals: A Comprehensive Exploration . ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 33–38.


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