Phytochemistry Analysis of Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) Juice Fortified with Organic Additives

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R. E. Ekperi


Plants’ juices are widely consumed due to their presumed high nutritional and medicinal qualities. This research evaluated the phytochemical properties of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) tuber juice/milk fortified with a mixture of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and Negro pepper (Xylopia aethiopica) extract. The freshly prepared tiger nut juice was fortified with 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% of the plants extracts, and accordingly coded TME 0, TME 1, TME 2 and TME 3; and their Phytochemical parameters measured through standard procedures. The findings indicated that the plants’ extract significantly increased, regardless of the phytochemical parameter investigated. The cardiac glycoside level in the juice fortified with 2%, 4% and 6% plants’ extract was 4.40%, 5.11% and 5.53% respectively; while the saponin content in the TME 0, TME 1, TME 2 and TME 3 juice samples was 6.68%, 6.82%, 7.40% and 7.70% respectively. Furthermore, it was observed that the anthocyanins and alkaloid levels in the juice increased from 3.12% - 3.93% and 5.13% - 7.34%, as the plants’ extract concentration increased from 0 to 6%. It was observed that the anti-nutrien compositions (phytate and tannin) of the tiger nut juice, increased in an uneven pattern as the fortification degree increased from 0% to 6%. This study’s findings will be useful in food industries in optimizing nutrient enhancement of foods and drinks, without accumulating excessive anti-nutrients in the fortified products.     


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Ekperi, R. E. (2023). Phytochemistry Analysis of Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) Juice Fortified with Organic Additives. ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 3(2), 31–35.


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