Call for Paper
The APBLJ is a peer reviewed journal of the Department of Private and Business Law, College of Law, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD). The journal is published annually and focuses on a variety of current legal topics particularly in the fields of private, commercial/business, property, taxation, banking, insurance, intellectual property and corporate law. Its purpose is to publish well researched scholarly articles and case/book reviews which shall be of interest to academics, students, legal practitioners, policy and law makers and the society at large.
The Editorial Board calls for the submission of well researched papers for publication in the new issue of the journal. The papers should address contemporary and cutting-edge issues.
Guidelines for Authors:
1. Papers must be original and well researched and must not have been published elsewhere.
2. Authors are to be wary of plagiarism as submitted papers shall be subjected to plagiarism
3. Authors must provide an abstract of not more than 250 words.
4. Authors should state their names, institutional affiliations, title of paper, academic
qualifications, research interests, e-mail address, ORCiD, postal address and telephone number on a
separate page.
5. Authors should provide a minimum of 4 keywords to be used for indexing purposes.
6. Papers should be in Microsoft Word,1.5 line spacing, 12 font size (for body text) and 10 (for
footnotes), Times New Roman, between 15 and 25 pages, with automatic footnotes
numbered consecutively. Endnotes are not acceptable.
7. Reference Style: Authors should comply with the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers’
(NALT) Uniform Citation Guides
8. Authors shall use British English spellings in their manuscripts
9. All contributions are accepted on the assumption that the authors are willing to assign the
copyright for their works to APBLJ
10. Papers should be submitted through the journal website. Kindly login if you already have an account
or register as a new user and make your submissions.
11. While papers are accepted on a rolling basis, the closing date for submission of papers for
this edition is 30th September 2023.
12. All correspondences and enquiries ONLY should be addressed to the Editor via the e-mail address: