About the Journal
African Journal of Stability and Development (AJSD) is a peer-review journal published by the Department of Political Science, College of Social and Management Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. It is a biannual journal that publishes scholarly articles in the fields of Political Science, International Relations, and Development Studies. The Editorial Board of AJSD processes only articles that are well-grounded in theory and analytically sound. In addition, we welcome interesting book reviews and critical commentaries in areas that are relevant to the scope of the journal.
Plagiarism Policy
There is the enforcement of a rigorous peer-review process, coupled with strict ethical policies and standards aimed at ensuring that only high-quality scientific works are published in African Journal of Stability and Development (AJSD). Consequently, using the iThenticate software, manuscripts with similarity index above 20% will not be sent out for review or declined for publication.
Indexing and Preservation
AJSD complies with PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), LOCKSS and CLOCKSS for archiving and distribution of published articles. Importantly, all accepted and published articles carry unique digital object identifier (DOI) and are indexed in many reputable scholarly databases, libraries and archiving infrastructures that use the PKP PN, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS system for wider distribution, persistent visibility and global access.
Licensing and Open Access Policy
Articles published in this journal, except otherwise stated, bear the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International) and is open and immediately accessible to readers for download, share and reuse with due attribution to the authors who own the copyright of such published works. The journal accepts a moderate article processing charge (APC) to recoup the cost of editorial, web hosting and other services rendered to enrich and sustain the journal. See further information in Publication Charges below or Go to the Make a Submission tab for more details on the APC.
Publication Charges
Assessment Fee- N5,000
Publication Fee- N30,000
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