Paper Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

Articles for publication are to be submitted via our online journal management system by clicking the Make a Submission button on this website or go to About and click on Submissions. As a backup, manuscript may be sent as an email attachment to Authors are however advised to use the online submissions via the website.

Manuscript preparation for AIJNAS

Each manuscript shall have the following components:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and Methods
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion
  7. Declarations
  8. References

Title page

The title page should contain:

  1. a short informative title that contains not more than 22 words
  2. the full names and institutional addresses for all the authors; indicate the corresponding author using asterisk (*)
  • the e-mail of the corresponding author.

Note: if a collaboration group should be listed as an author, please list the Group name as an author. If you would like the names of the individual members of the Group to be searchable through their individual PubMed records, please include this information in the “Acknowledgements” section.


The abstract should not exceed 250 words. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract. The abstract must include the following sub-sections, in a single paragraph:

  • Background/Aim: the context and purpose of the study
  • Materials and methods: in brief
  • Results: the main findings
  • Conclusion: brief summary and potential implications


Three to five keywords representing the main content of the article and must not be part of the title

  • Introduction

This should explain the background to the study, its aims; a summary of the existing literature and why this study was necessary.

  • Materials and methods

The methods section should include:

  • the design and setting of the study
  • the characteristics of participants or description of materials
  • a clear description of all processes, interventions and comparisons. Generic names should generally be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand names in parentheses
  • the type of statistical analysis used, including a power calculation if appropriate
  • Results

This should include the findings of the study and if appropriate results of statistical analysis which must be included either in the text or as tables and figures. Also, duplication of results is highly prohibited i.e. presenting the same result in Table and Figure.

  • Discussion

For research articles, this section should discuss the implications of the findings in context of existing research and highlight the limitations of the study. For study protocols and methodology manuscripts, this section should include a discussion of any practical or operational issues involved in performing the study and any issues not covered in other sections.

  • Conclusion

This should state clearly the main conclusions and provide an explanation of the importance and relevance of the study to the field.

Note that from introduction to conclusion they should have side numbering. Example

  1. Introduction
  2. Materials and methods (2.1, 2.2. etc. for different subtitle under 2)

List of abbreviations

If abbreviations are used in the text they should be defined in the text at first use, and a list of abbreviations should be provided.


All manuscripts must contain the following sections under the heading ‘Declarations’:

  • Ethics approval and consent to participate
  • Consent for publication
  • Competing interests
  • Funding
  • Authors’ contributions
  • Acknowledgements

Ethics approval and consent to participate

Manuscripts reporting studies involving human participants, human data or human tissue must:

  • include a statement on ethics approval and consent (even where the need for approval was waived)
  • include the name of the ethics committee that approved the study and the committee’s reference number if appropriate

Studies involving animals must include a statement on ethics approval and stating the animal ethics number.

Note: If your manuscript does not report on or involve the use of any animal or human data or tissue, please state “Not applicable” in this section.

Consent for publication

If your manuscript contains any individual person’s data in any form (including individual details, images or videos), consent to publish must be obtained from that person, or in the case of children, their parent or legal guardian. All presentations of case reports must have consent to publish.

You can use your institutional consent form if you prefer. You should not send the form to us on submission, but we may request to see a copy at any stage (including after publication).

Note: If your manuscript does not contain data from any individual person, please state “Not applicable” in this section.

Availability of Data and Materials

All manuscripts must include an ‘Availability of data and materials’ statement. Data availability statements should include information on where data supporting the results reported in the article can be found including, where applicable, hyperlinks to publicly archived datasets analysed or generated during the study. By data, we mean the minimal dataset that would be necessary to interpret, replicate and build upon the findings reported in the article. We recognise it is not always possible to share research data publicly, for instance when individual privacy could be compromised, and in such instances, data availability should still be stated in the manuscript along with any conditions for access.

Data availability statements can take one of the following forms (or a combination of more than one if required for multiple datasets):

  • The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are available in the [NAME] repository, [PERSISTENT WEB LINK TO DATASETS]
  • The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
  • All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article [and its supplementary information files].
  • Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.
  • The data that support the findings of this study are available from [third party name] but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of [third party name].

AIJNAS also requires that authors cite any publicly available data on which the conclusions of the paper rely in the manuscript. Data citations should include a persistent identifier (such as a DOI) and should ideally be included in the reference list. Citations of datasets, when they appear in the reference list, should include the minimum information recommended by DataCite and follow journal style. Dataset identifiers including DOIs should be expressed as full URLs.


All manuscripts submitted to the journal MUST strictly comply with the APA style of referencing (7th edition) for both in-text citations and reference list including DOIs of references where available to be considered for publication.

Payment Instructions

Publication Charges

Online publication Only                                        NGN25,000 or $100       

Online publication and one hard copy                 NGN30,000 or $150

Bank Details

Bank: Fidelity Bank Plc

Account Name: ABUAD International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences

Account No: 5700025714


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